From the letter....
The President’s proposed FY09Budget again calls for the total elimination of critical education technology funding. Specifically, the President’s Budget would zero out the Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) program, cutting education technology funding by $267.4 million. Before the House and Senate put forth their budget proposals, we urge you to send a letter to your congressional representatives asking them to save EETT.WELL...ETAN has made it really easy for you to voice your opinion on this important issue. I feel so strongly that I have added a widget to my tool bar that I found reading David Warlick's Blog. The letter is written and you can personalize it in any way...please take some time to voice your concerns for all of our futures for as well all know the key to our future is the kids.
Hi Kristin! (I didn't want to 'junk' your recent post/comment with this comment - and feel free not to 'allow'... but.....
ReplyDeleteI have received a You Make My Day award and I’m passing it along to you!
Here are the obligatory “rules” that go with this award…
1) Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think and/or make your day
2) Acknowledge the post of the award giver
3) Tell the award winners that they have won by commenting on their blogs with the news!
Thank you for adding to my day through your blog!