Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Joyce Valenza's Resources from PETE& C

I couldn't type fast enough to keep up with Joyce Valenza's session School Libraries and Web-based Practice: A Tour of Effective Practice
Although I arrived about 10 minutes late, I feel like she shared 2 hours worth of information and resources and 
Let students create book talks, incorporate Web 2.0 tools as platform, let them mash things up
Book talk a day
Joyce shared Book trailers for all https://www.4shared.com/u/ZiDT_kOV/Book_Trailers_for_All.html
and how she makes Summer Reading transparent http://springfieldreading.wikispaces.com/
http://www.paperbackswap.com/index.php Great way to stretch library budget and it is FREE print out mailer, wrap book in it.
LibGuides http://libguides.com/community.php?m=i&ref=libguides.com
LiveBinders, Google Sites
I don't think that she could make finding the google tools any easier than THIS http://joycevalenza1.edu.glogster.com/googlesearch/
wow, Wow, WOW shouldn't all the PA SGPs be done like THIS http://tinyurl.com/4ao5oj2 via @joycevalenza #petec2011

As soon as she has her slides posted on slideshare http://www.slideshare.net/joycevalenza/presentations I will be sure to post them here but I think this tweet kind of sum's up my feelings about this session.


And here are her slides if that wasn't enough

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